Only 0.001% of the millions of diamonds mined each year qualify as fancy colors, with only a few achieving the highest grades of Intense or Vivid. Natural Fancy Color Diamonds are already regarded as the most extreme rarity today. Pink diamonds are the second most rare color in the diamond family, so you can understand how distinctive a high-quality stone of this color is. Let’s learn more about Pink Diamonds, including their discovery, color grades, and clarity.

Pink Diamonds: More Than Just Beauty

Pink diamonds are a luxury item, and their rarity and high demand have increased prices. At the same time, Pink Diamonds is a channel for investment portfolios. Today, they are the prime choice among collectors.

The four Cs (carat weight, color, cut and clarity) apply to virtually every natural diamond in the world. However, unlike white diamonds, in which all four parameters play an equal role, a fancy diamond’s color is the most important of all its characteristics.

Pink diamonds are mined in numerous mines worldwide, but the most significant mining source is from the Argyle Mine, located in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. The color of this diamond is so unique that any experienced person can identify that the origin of the Pink Diamond is Argyle. The color is so vibrant that it is considered one of the finest investments, regardless of size.

Laboratory-made pink diamonds are very different from their natural counterparts. GIA researchers say that manufacturers can’t duplicate the way most of these gorgeous-colored diamonds form in nature.

What causes diamonds to be pink

What causes diamonds to be pink?

Scientists still do not know all the sources of pink color in diamonds. Diamonds appear colorless because their crystal structure is composed entirely of carbon atoms that line up precisely in a cubic structure. Various factors can contribute to the different colors in fancy diamonds. Colors can result, for example, from chemical impurities within the carbon structure of a diamond. This is how the presence of boron causes this effect in blue diamonds. Inclusions may also modify the appearance of a diamond’s color. For example, clouds of black graphite can give a colorless diamond an overall gray or black appearance.

Most pink diamonds derive their color from imperfections in the stone’s atomic structure, which occur after the diamond has crystallized. If the diamond experiences enough heat and pressure after it is formed, its carbon atoms may slip from their proper position. This is referred to as “natural plastic deformation.” These atomic imperfections are what give the diamond its pink tint.

Indeed, according to the GIA study, the color of 99.5% of pink diamonds is due to the distortion of their crystal structure, not trace elements such as nitrogen, which imparts a yellow hue to some diamonds, or boron, which produces blue in others.

Do pink diamonds fade over time?

Natural diamonds should never fade. However, as stated by Argyle Diamond Investments, pink diamonds mined anywhere in the world other than the Argyle in Australia might briefly darken or lighten if they come into contact with either heat or direct sunlight.

How rare is a pink diamond

How rare is a pink diamond?

While pink diamonds may be found worldwide, the color saturation of those found in the Argyle Mine is considered the finest.

Argyle pinks have densely packed graining planes that emit a rich pink hue, known as “twinning lamination.” Non-Argyle pinks, on the other hand, have scarce and unclear pink graining, making them lighter in hue. Pink graining in Argyle stones is sometimes discernible with the naked eye.

But that is not all: pink diamonds are scarce; for every million carats produced at Argyle, only one carat will be of high-quality pink color!

Are pink diamonds more expensive?

Pink diamonds are uncommon and striking; therefore, they are valued more than other colored diamonds. Some of them even fall under the category of being worthier than some kinds of very expensive white diamonds.

Pink diamonds have repeatedly established new records in auctions and have retained a place among the world’s most valuable gemstones.

Of course, you should know that color intensity, cut clarity, and shape also affect the price. Besides that, a secondary hue makes quite an impact on the value and prices. For example, a brownish tint is more common, often making the pink diamond more affordable. In contrast, a purplish-pink diamond tends to be more expensive.

Is it worth buying pink diamonds?

Price for pink diamonds follows demand on the market. However, since pink diamonds are so rare, their value is high compared to white diamonds. Pink diamond investment can thus be profitable.

What does a pink diamond represent

What does a pink diamond represent?

The soft tone of pink diamonds speaks of love and the bloom of affection. Pink is generally considered a symbol of nurture, love, and femininity. It also has connotations of tenderness and sweetness.

Remember that the meaning of pink diamond is personal and subjective; it can hold different meanings for different people. Still, popular meanings associated with pink diamonds are signs of love, beauty, and femininity.

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1. What makes pink diamonds so rare and valuable?

Pink diamonds are rare and valuable due to their inimitable color and low supply. Just a few diamonds mined each year have a pink color, and more intense and vivid colors exist very rarely. Their rarity and beauty have increased their prices, making them one of the most sought-after deluxe items.

2. Which color of the pink diamond is most sought-after?

The dark tones of the hue are fancy light, fancy, fancy intense, fancy vivid, fancy deep, and fancy dark. Fancy vivid grades have the most saturated colors. Fancy vivid stones, rare and beautiful, are the most valued pink diamonds.

3. How is the pink diamond different from the white diamond?

While both pink and white diamonds are made of carbon, trace elements or structural imperfections give a distinctive color to pink diamonds. Other than in white diamonds, where all the four Cs-carat weight, color, cut, and clarity are considered important, the color of a pink diamond is its most important characteristic.

4. Are Pink Diamonds a Good Investment?

Yes, pink diamonds can be an excellent investment due to their rarity and appreciation in value. However, as with all investments, some risk may be involved.