Engagement rings carry deep emotional value, but life’s ups and downs can make us wonder what we should do with an old engagement ring. This question often comes up after a breakup, divorce, or when someone wants to upgrade to a new piece. The choice to keep, sell, or give a new purpose to an engagement ring is a personal one and often stirs up strong feelings, making it a big decision for many people.

People have a few choices to consider when they decide what to do with an engagement ring after a breakup or other big life changes. Some keep the ring as a memento, while others sell it to get some money back. Many people also like to turn the ring into a new piece of jewelry. This article will examine these options, helping readers work through this tough decision and find what works best for them.

What To Do With Engagement Ring After Breakup

What To Do With Engagement Ring After Breakup?

Many people aren’t sure what to do with their engagement ring when a relationship ends. This situation often makes them think about their feelings and practical matters. People who have an ex-engagement ring have several choices to consider:

  1. Keep the Ring
  2. Sell the Ring
  3. Repurpose the Ring

Given these possibilities, it will be difficult to decide, so it is best to make your decision after reading the reasons and explanations.

Keeping Your Old Engagement Ring

Many people choose to keep an old engagement ring for different reasons. At the heart of this choice are both personal and practical concerns.

Reasons to Keep the Ring

Sentimental Value: The ring could be a reminder of an important event in someone’s life that goes beyond the relationship.

Personal Attachment: Things that remind people of important events often have a strong emotional connection with them.

Financial Asset: engagement rings can be very valuable. Keeping the ring could be seen as holding onto a valuable item for future use.

Symbol of Independence: For some, the ring symbolizes personal growth and standing on one’s own after a breakup.

Family Treasure: Keeping the ring means you can save it and maybe pass it down to your kids or grandkids if it’s a family legacy.

Sell Old Engagement Ring

It is up to the person, and many things affect their choice to sell an old engagement ring. As we already said, some people keep their rings because they are important to them or because they think they are useful. Others sell them to move on or make some money.

If you decide to sell, remember you’ll get less than what you paid. Most sellers end up with 40% to 75% of what the ring first cost. You have some options to sell: special auction websites, eBay, or jewelry shops in your area. But each way has its good and bad points.

Repurpose the Ring

One option for giving an old engagement ring new life is repurposing. This lets people turn a piece of great value into something fresh and significant. This approach pays tribute to the gem’s history while crafting a new design that shows personal taste.

Many jewelers provide services to repurpose jewelry, helping customers change old jewelry or loose diamonds into unique pieces. Diamonds work well for reuse because they last. Jewelers can work with some or all of the original stones, adding more diamonds or other gems if they want. This gives people many choices, from copying the old design with a new stone to making something different.

Creative Ways to Redesign an Old Engagement Ring

Creative Ways to Redesign an Old Engagement Ring

Changing the style of an old engagement ring can give a loved piece of jewelry a fresh start in life. You can update its style or make it completely different. There are many creative options to consider.

Give the setting an update: Make the ring more current by switching the metal or changing how the stone sits.

Turn it into a necklace: Change the ring into a pendant to wear it.

Make earrings: Use the stones to make a beautiful pair of earrings.

Create a bracelet: Work the diamonds into an eye-catching bracelet design.

Is It Bad Luck to Keep Wedding Ring After Divorce

Is It Bad Luck to Keep Wedding Ring After Divorce?

The idea that holding onto a wedding ring after divorce brings bad luck has its roots in superstition, not fact. Some people think wearing a ring from someone else’s failed marriage can pass on negative vibes. This notion comes from believing that objects can hold energies from tough experiences.

But many experts say there’s no such thing as bad luck tied to keeping a wedding ring after divorce. They point out that what the ring means is up to each person. Some people decide to keep their rings as a sign of how they’ve grown or to hand them down to their kids as a family legacy.

In Summary

The story of an engagement ring doesn’t always have a fairy tale ending. You might face a breakup, go through a divorce, or just want something different. When this happens, you have a few options for your old engagement ring. You can keep it or pass it down to your family. If you need money or want to move on, selling it could help.

You might also give it a new purpose. This lets you keep its history while starting fresh. At the end of the day, what you do with an old engagement ring is up to you. It depends on your feelings, financial situation, and what’s happening in your life. Whatever you choose, make sure it feels good to you.


1. Can you repurpose an old engagement ring?

Yes, you can give an old engagement ring a new purpose. Jewelers can work with the original stones and add new ones if you want.

2. Can an old engagement ring be turned into another piece of jewelry?

Sure, you can turn old engagement rings into necklace pendants, earrings, bracelets, or fresh ring designs.

3. What are the best places to sell an old engagement ring?

You have options to sell it online (like Worthy.com or WP Diamonds), at jewelers in your area, secondhand stores, pawn shops, or places that buy jewelry for cash. It’s smart to get several offers to make sure you’re getting a good deal.