The Asscher cut came onto the scene in 1902. It was designed by Joseph Isaac’s grandson who was also named Joseph. Prior to World War II, the Asscher family had a patent on the cut and they were the only company that could produce it.
Difference between emerald and Asscher cut
If you can imagine an emerald cut diamond in a square shape, you’re getting close to the beauty of an Asscher cut. The most important differentiating factor between the two is in the shape. The Asscher diamond is a square, whereas the Emerald is a rectangle. Both options are gorgeous but take care to purchase these cuts from a jeweler who can guarantee high quality color and clarity.
Joseph Asscher’s vision was to modify a few elements of the cut to highlight the natural beauty found within rough diamonds. His changes included a higher crown, step facets, and a smaller table. The final product was a weightier diamond with a timelessly classic look. The cut has 58 facets and a wider set than a traditional emerald cut. The detailed corners give the Asscher-cut diamond the appearance of a uniquely octagon shape.
Royal Asscher diamond cut
The popularity of the original Asscher cut began to decline in at the end of the 20th C. To stay relevant, Edward and Joop Asscher tweaked their family’s initial design and introduced the Royal Asscher cut. The modifications led to the resurgence of the cut and it has once again entered the sphere of coveted ring styles.
The Royal Asscher was created with modern diamond-cutting techniques to improve the cut and quality of the traditional Asscher-cut. They raised the crown and added facets (now totaling 74) while doing all they could to maintain the brilliance and classic look of the original Asscher.
Make your Asscher engagement ring personal
Even though this cut is a classic, there is room to make it personal. If you want an Asscher diamond engagement ring as magnificent and unique as your future bride, you will want to customize the design. It gives you the freedom to select the perfect diamond, setting, and metal to achieve exactly the look you have in mind.

Asscher diamond cut engagement ring
Asscher cut, a rare diamond engagement ring!
Before you romp to the nearest stop, there are a few reasons to pause before committing to an Asscher. Some critical diamond assessors feel that a truly good Asscher is hard to find. Less than 2% of diamonds are cut into Asscher—that’s rare. And it means that finding one with the perfect combination of factors for you could be difficult.
Make sure before going for an Asscher diamond
An Asscher diamond is a vintage cut. Think flapper girls and art nouveau. If this makes you feel inspired and excited, continue down the road to a gorgeous Asscher. If it all sounds like a bore, perhaps consider something a little more modern.
One last thing. Asscher diamonds are ‘step-cut’ diamonds. Most of their facets are rectangular and parallel. Why does this matter to you? Basically, these vintage beauties look clean and impressive, but they are not known for their sparkle. When you think of super sparkly diamond cuts, cushion, halo, or oval styles should come to mind.
Go check out some Asscher’s, and everything else you feel drawn to. Now that you know a little history and what to stay aware of, you can make an informed decision as to whether an Asscher is your dream diamond cut.